Hey Guys,
First, im sorry for these very late Results.
But i was very busy and i had to ask 3 Girls if they could send in now or not
and they never knew if yes or no, so it needed some time to get their answers.
Moreover this time there's no elimination, because three (!) of our girls
couldnt send in of personal problems.
So im still searching two model which will reaplce two of them.
I gotta let u know who, when i show u 2nd Task. (:
But now, see the Results:
Top Photo:muffins97
MandaMichalka: Wow, just everything is so gorgeous. You did an amazing Job
and I love the Outfit, it totally reminds me of Victoria Secrets.
Already now i can see that you've got big potential.
amymaus.de: Its so magical. You are very talended.
Can't wait for your next entry. *-*
rahilaa: I didnt have much time to comment the picture, so I only give points
love-hate-thing: Beautiful graphic, looks very professionally made
2nd Place:mathildamath

MandaMichalka: I think your runway is amazing. I also like the makeup and hair.
Only the pose looks a bit boring, its not as unique as Victoria Secrets poses should be,
but i love the Outfit. So.
amymaus.de: The colours and the background matches perfect.
i like everything but the right leg doesnt look that good.
But at all
rahilaa: I didnt have much time to comment the picture, so I only give points
love-hate-thing: I love the background and the pose, but face needs a little more work.
3rd Place:Sweet-Lips112

MandaMichalka: U did a very seductive Pose and i like the makeup and.
I also love the Hair and i see that it took u much time.
But where is the Victoria's Secrets effect? At the end i don't see any Victoria's Secrets in the underwear. It looks like a summer bikini and it reminds me of a Shooting at the Beach.
Next time think of the Theme, Kaisa (:
amymaus.de: Nice, nice, nice. (: Im only missing some details, e.g. the navel.
The makeup could be also better, but at all your picture is top.
rahilaa: I didnt have much time to comment the picture, so I only give points
love-hate-thing: I love the design, but the graphic looks a bit amateur.
But beautiful colors, though.
4th Place:dubistdie

MandaMichalka: I realy like the dress ,its very cute, but the pose ... well... it justs looks so unreal.
Do u know what i mean? It also looks a bit stiff.
amymaus.de: I like the dress, its got something special. Unfortunately the Head is a bit little, it doesnt match to the cute dress.
rahilaa: I didnt have much time to comment the picture, so I only give points
love-hate-thing: Beautiful body and pose but head looks copy and pasted on.
5th PlaceLAVIVAA
MandaMichalka: I like the Outfit and i love, love, love the balloons, they give the Outfit a
cool, glamourus effect and the pose is nice.
amymaus.de: Your entry is good. It matches to Victoria Secret's.
Well Done!
rahilaa: I didnt have much time to comment the picture, so I only give points
love-hate-thing: Pretty background and lovely pose but arm pose looks strange.
6th PlaceJody_Cailin
MandaMichalka: Nice Idea, cute pose. But where is the underwear?
Very important Victoria's Secrets is the underwear. It's realy missing.
And everything's just much too much.
But i see that u spend much time and work so i give u
amymaus.de: Roses *-* Its very creative, but it could had been more permissive.
rahilaa: I didnt have much time to comment the picture, so I only give points
love-hate-thing: I love the attention to detail and you did a beautiful pose.
7th PlaceMissLetti99
MandaMichalka: I liked the Idea to do a "dark" Version of Victoria Secrets.
Who says Black can't be sexy? I liked your Outfit and i like the fact that u used wings.
And also the little step in your legs, but it just didnt blow me away.
amymaus.de: Saras and yours was unfortunately the worst of all.
The Outfit was ok, but it was just ok. Im missing a background and pose.
rahilaa: I didnt have much time to comment the picture, so I only give points
love-hate-thing: Alovely outfit for a dark Victoria's secret outfit but boring pose and no background.
8th Place19Sara99
MandaMichalka: Lets start with the positive. You did a runway, nice. You did a pose, cool.
But is this Voctoria's Secrets?! It's just a simple normal bathingsuit. Its so normal and unexceptional.
But i know, Sara, that u can do it better.
amymaus.de: I like that you've done a runway, but the Outfit has no similiarity to Victoria Secrets.
I dont think that this bikini would have a good chance on the runway.
It could be more permissive.
rahilaa: I didnt have much time to comment the picture, so I only give points
love-hate-thing: I like your cute little pose, but I'm not a big fan of the background.
Points all together:
1. muffins97 - 40/40 Points
2. mathildamath - 36,5/40 Points
3. Sweet-Lips112 - 35.5/40 Points
4. dubistdie - 33/40 Points
5. LAVIVAA - 31,5/40 Points
6. Jody_Cailin - 30/40 Points
7. MissLetti99 - 28,5/40 Points
8. 19Sara99 - 25/40 Points
Congrats to you all,
as i already told no one gets eliminated this time.
Next Task will be published in the evening today (22.06.12),
then u have one week time until next Friday.
And then on the following Sunday the Results appears of that task.
Then it is as follows:
Monday/Tuesday - New Task appears
Sunday - Results will be out
So I hope you all got it,
Have a nice Day,