Sunday, March 11, 2012

KONY 2012

Hey :) If you’ve gone online in the past couple of days you’ve probably noticed a lot of talk about a guy named Kony. Joseph Kony is an African war criminal responsible for over 2 decades of violence and countless atrocities. His army, the LRA (Lord’s Resistance Army) has abducted and displaced thousands of innocent people and it must be stopped. In order to stay in power and keep his army, he abducts children and forces them to be killers…it’s absolutely horrific.

The Invisible Children organization formed in response to this and has been working to end the armed conflict for the past 9 or so years. Since Kony is the leader of the conflict, they created the KONY 2012 campaign in the hopes of making him “famous”, because if people know who he is, they can come together to bring him down.

Within the last few days the movement has gained incredible traction. The video below has gone viral and pretty much every social network is flooded with talk of it. The video is long but incredibly moving and explains everything…if you haven’t watched it yet I really encourage you to:


Even if you don’t live anywhere close to where this is happening it still affects you, because in order for a response to be made it needs to be brought to everyone’s attention. Only then will those in power be motivated to do something.

Even if you don’t live anywhere close to where this is happening it still affects you, because in order for a response to be made it needs to be brought to everyone’s attention. Only then will those in power be motivated to do something.

xxx Ila

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