Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Music Tip: The One That Got Away

Hey Guys,

Today I've got a Music Tip for you,
yeah i know its old, but i only can say 'Old but Gold'

The song is 'The One That Got Away' by Katy Perry.
I really love this song, not only because its a nice melody, etc.
it describes a part of my life, when i had many trouble.
This song means much to me.

Im sure you know this song and like it as much as me! :)

I just found this version, with the video, sorry :/
its a bit speed up and high.
but go here for normal sound with video ->

In this song & video Katy meets her big life when she was a teenie,
together they have a great time, go to dances, and he makes Katy a chain tatoo.
At the near end, Katy and her boyfriend has trouble, he drives away.
While that we see Katy crying in her wardrobe.
Then we see her boyfriend opening the glove compartment, where Katys headband fell out.
While driving he looks at it sadly.
Suddenly we see a stone at the street!
He sees it, wants to avoid but drives in the grave, falling down the mountain.
He died.
At the end we see Katy at the accident location, where she's mourning about him, when
he's holding her hand as ghost.

Hope you like my post,
xoxo Manda

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